Book Details:
Print Length: 521 pages
Publication Date: June 30, 2019
About the 4-Book Collection:
AT TWENTY, Ainsley knows it's time to follow her own dreams and not the future planned for her—a future she never wanted. Losing her job couldn't have come at a worse time.
SEBASTIAN GIANNI isn’t the ideal boss, but he has a position to fill and Ainsley is desperate. The sexy twenty-two-year-old comes from money, owns a successful business, and graduates from college in three months. He has his life together in a way Ainsley could only dream.
NO WONDER her best friend is obsessed with dating him. Even his ex-girlfriend is determined to get him back, although threatening him seems like the wrong approach. Ainsley would be a fool to fall for the guy, too.
BY NO means, should she trust him. He has more secrets than anyone she knows, which makes her wonder if the mafia rumors about him are true. It doesn't matter that he's a good listener, and sweet and protective at times. That playful flirty side he shares with her alone means nothing. Right?
WHEN A kiss turns into a passionate romance neither can give up, Ainsley learns the truth about Sebastian's corrupt family and why his ex-girlfriend won't go away. A future together is near impossible and comes with a risk that could get them both killed—or give them everything they've ever wanted.
Read My Review of Risking Forever, Forever Series Vol. 1:

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Ainsley and Harper are college friends from completely different worlds. Ainsley worries about money, having a job, and paying her own bills. Harper doesn’t worry about anything except who’s going to be in her bed next. Harper currently has her sights set on Sebastian, the elusive but smoldering-hot senior with potential ties to the mafia. Using Ainsley, Harper manages to put Ainsley in the path of Sebastian and his friend and roommate, Nathan. What follows is a strong attempt at staying away from the man her friend wants. Unless she wants to start a fight with Harper, Ainsley must stay away. As the story progresses, it becomes harder for Ainsley and Sebastian to stay apart, even if it is what’s best for everyone.
In Volume 1, the reader gets to know Harper (shallow and self-centered), Ainsley (nice, respectable, goes with the flow), Nathan (funny, sweet), and Sebastian (broody with secrets, a powerful family, and maybe a fiancé). The story is told in first person, not a favorite of mine, but the story is told so well that I got over the POV. The story is quick, fast-paced, and engaging. The world building is done well and the characters appropriate developed. I imaging we’ll see more character growth and continued world building as the series progresses.
The connection between Ainsley and Sebastian is romantic and realistic. He wants her to stay away, to protector her from his family and life, but the attraction between them continues to grow, preventing either one from truly pulling away. Then Sebastian hires her to work remotely for his autobody shop. I love the unlikely connection Sebastian and Ainsley have and can’t wait to watch it grow and advance.
I now must express my disgust with Ainsley’s friend Harper. Harper is spoiled, self-centered, and disinterested in anything that doesn’t involve her. She gets Ainsley into and then just disappears leaving Ainsley to wonder where she went. The first time she did it I shrugged it off. Ainsley’s conversation with Sebastian and Nathan took longer than either anticipated. When Harper drags Ainsley to Nathan and Sebastian’s home and abandons her amid a bunch of males that Ainsley doesn’t know, essentially tossing her to the wolves, I lost all pretense of liking Harper. If that’s the portrait the author is trying to paint for Harper, she has succeeded. And don't get me started on Ainsley's mother.
Risking Forever is a wonderful story in a college town. I enjoyed every bit of the story (even the role Harper plays). I can’t wait to move to Volume 2 of The Forever Series.
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