Monday, September 23, 2024

#FiveStar #Review ~ Lady by LCW Allingham - Historical Fiction, Romance, LGBTQ+ ~ @LCWAllingham @MirrorWorldPub ~ #History #LGBTQ #Romance

Mirror World Publishing and Sapphyria's Book Promotions present the 1-week virtual book tour for 
Lady by LCW Allingham

About Lady:

In the year 1464, while England recovers from the devastation of the War of the Roses, Baron Alexander FitzRoland is dying in his northern castle. His young wife, Rosalynde, recovering from the stillbirth of her first child, succumbs to despair like a dutiful lady should.

When the castle gates are threatened, only Alexander’s reputation as a brutal fighter is enough to frighten off their opportunistic enemy. The proper thing for Lady Rosalynde to do is to pray and submit to devastation. Instead, she puts on her husband’s armor and rides to the gate disguised as the baron.

From there, things only get more complicated. Between mastering the art of war, meeting with witches, struggling with self-doubt and maneuvering her complicated relationship with Alexander’s lover, Robert, Lady Rosalynde balances on the razor thin line between duty and destiny.

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Release Date: September 17, 2024
Publisher: Mirror World Publishing
Paperback: ‎ 364 pages
ISBN-10: ‎ 1998360059
ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1-998360-05-5
Ebook ISBN: 978-1-998360-04-8

My Review:

Lady is a brilliantly told historical fiction novel. Lady Rosalynde is alive during a time when men reigned supreme and women were not regarded as highly. She's in a marriage union suitable for her and Baron Alexander FitzRoland of Casstone. Not one borne of love but of respect, necessity, and friendship. Alexander's boyhood friend throws an uncomfortable monkey wrench in their blessed union but Lady Rosalynde calls for him when Alexander is taken ill shortly after the stillbirth of their child. When rumors start swirling through the realm, enemies begin appearing at the gate, circling the castle like packs of hungry wolves. Rosalynde does what she feels is necessary to protect her land and people.

This novel is so much more than a historical fiction romance novel. Not all inside the covers are matches made in heaven, perfect relationships, and easy lifestyles. This story is brutal yet tender, normal in terms of the time period yet full of lovable misfits, emotional yet stoic. Lady Rosalynde is such a strong female lead character. She's resilient despite every hit she takes from the very first paragraph. She's strong even when she's healing both her mind and body, supporting her ill husband, and defending the barony from those with evil intent. 

Rosalynde's love for her husband, his lover, their attendants, and her people flows through the pages. Unconventional love in some circumstances, conventional love in others, but a lot of love threaded throughout the story. The author wrote three-dimensional and realistic characters. LCW Allingham's ability to infuse her novel with emotion that is felt by the reader gives Lady even more depth. 

There are so many passages that had me tearing up. So much loss, so much agony, but even more love and understanding. Lady Rosalynde's losses seem insurmountable, yet there are times through the book that I teared up not because of sadness, but because she had the support of those around her. When she's before the King and all he says to her is to stand up I couldn't help but get emotional. Her self-professed oddities are not seen as bad things by those with intelligence. Love abounds and in a more profound way than a classic romance.

As the author states in the post on her website dated September 20, 2024, "Lady is a love story, not a romance."

I was provided a copy of this book to read.

Praise for Lady:

"A captivating tale. This lady rides to her own rescue." - Bestselling Author of the Elizabeth of England Chronicles, G. Lawrence

"Amid uncertainty, betrayal, and treason during the War of the Roses, Lady Rosalynde emerges as an avatar of power, courage, and fierce loyalty as she defends her home and her very life. Battling turmoil within her heart and enemies at the gate, she defines what it means to be fully woman in a world fully run by men. Mourn with her, rejoice with her, and celebrate her message: Home is where love is found." - Abyss & Apex Editor and Author of the Twins of Bellesfées series

"A compelling and strong female lead with a great cast of supporting characters. Loved the time frame of the 1400's. This was listed as a first novel but the writer is not new to the skill and it shows."

" I was hooked from the first page and really enjoyed the medieval element of this story, it uses the time-period perfectly and was hooked with what I was hoping for. The concept worked overall and enjoyed how the love story was going on, it was realistic and enjoyed the overall feel of this. LCW Allingham has a great writing style and was engaged with what was going on and can't wait for more."

" During the early days of the War of the Roses a young noblewoman living in a remote castle is mourning the miscarriage/stillbirth of her son when her husband Baron Alexander falls ill. To make matters even worse a neighbour's son keeps attacking the castle. Uncommon in this kind of novels this is a very layered story and not a romance although there is all kind of love between the group of main characters. Our heroine survived a very traumatic event when she was still young and her warrior father knew only one way to deal with that to give his daughter confidence: he trained her to fight. She is a very androgyne tall woman with an unusual upbringing what made her very unpopular at court. Still, handsome and kind, fierce warrior Alexander marries her because he wants heirs but he has a dangerous secret to keep.

It is a story that has a genuine and realistic feel to it. It handles diversity but in a natural way. Also in the Middle Ages people fell in love with people they could not marry. And there would also have been people from far places.

The author said in her final comments "I realised in the end the story was about love" and that is exactly it. Not just sexual attraction, no hanky panky, love. In all kind of forms.

I was very impressed and went to bed late in the hope to finish the story. Failed. And then in the morning I hated reaching the end."

Purchase Links:

Mirror World Publishing:


Barnes & Noble:

Meet the Author:

LCW Allingham (she/her) is a Philadelphia area author, artist, musician and editor. Her early education was uniquely rich in the arts, learning music, performance and fine art all of her life, but she was always compelled toward the written word and storytelling. She received her degree in journalism and wrote home renovation articles before turning her focus exclusively to fiction. Her short stories have appeared in numerous anthologies and publications and she is an editor for the Collection of Utter Speculation series, and her horror novella, Muse, was released in April 2024, to critical acclaim.

In 2022 she co-founded the indie press, Speculation Publications, with her long-time editorial partners and serves as executive editor. She writes in many genres but particularly horror, fantasy, historical and speculative fiction. She is an active feminist and human rights advocate and lives in Pennsylvania with her family, her pets and her ever expanding art collection.

Lady is her debut novel.

Connect with the Author:

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